Round Eyes is an extremely hardcore western raiding guild. We definitely are not all on the spectrum. Everything we do, is done with an extreme sense of purpose and seriousness to get the job done as efficiently and effortlessly as possible. ALL possible consumables are required - and strictly enforced. During lockout days, the guild spends a minimum of 6 hours a night conducting raid drills to further hone our "artistic" craft - which is World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery.
We are led by extremely level headed, kind, soft spoken, humble American Jew living in LON-DON EN-GLAND.
Our guild is extremely diverse - having a single LGBTQIA+ member, with one very questionable. Three members hailing from across the pond in LON-DON EN-GLAND, and other smart single men & women (maybe) in your area. Additionally, we are PROUD to say that a fine member of Round Eyes, is a United States Army Veteran. To honor his great service, we all collectively sing the national anthem, before first pull. All members MUST be on discord, live on video, at full standing attention during this great ceremony honoring our brother's sacrifice.
Our loot rules change each raid - held by the loot enforcer himself, Thubby (co-lead). Loot rules include: (ex) Must provide one compliment to Thubby before eligible to receive loot, (ex) Must send 'P or H' picture to qualify for loot. Round Eyes is a renowned loot dispenser for PUGs. Please whisper to learn more on our collective lack of skill of rolling high on items.
Raid time is consistently 5:00pm est - which in reality means anywhere from 5:32pm est - 6:14pm est.
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Aucun horaire n'a été défini.
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Round Eyes ne recrute pas pour le moment.
N'importe quel
Pour quelles activités Round Eyes recrute-t-il?
Pas encore défini
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Round Eyes?